All the reasons to choose Nîmes

Nîmes has all the ingredients to host your event!

Situated at the confluence of Provence, Languedoc, the Cévennes and the Camargue, Nîmes has a character of rare diversity.

Deeply Roman and resolutely contemporary, it blends in a unique harmony the passions of the Camargue, the gentleness of Provence and the demands of the Cévennes.

Two major assets: all journeys can be made on foot. The unity of place will be the town with its reception facilities and hotels close to each other.
Accessibility to the TGV stations of Nîmes centre-ville and Nîmes Pont du Gard.

In a few figures:

chiffres cle gb

Hotel capacity:

capacite hoteliere gb

Access, transport & maps:

accessibilite gb



Find all the information you need for your visit and travel:

> coming to Nîmes and getting around
> map of the city

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